
I am an economist in the European department of the International Monetary Fund.

My CV is available here.

I received my PhD from the University of Toronto in 2020. My research focuses on macroeconomics, innovation, growth, and development.

The views expressed on this website are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the International Monetary Fund, its Executive Board, or its management.




Trade and Diffusion of Embodied Technology: An Empirical Analysis (with F. Ibrahim, G. MacKenzie and S. Rachapalli) Working Paper Version

Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 137, May 2023, pages 128-145

Market Constraints, Misallocation, and Productivity in Vietnam Agriculture (with L. Brandt and D. Restuccia) Working Paper Version

Food Policy, Volume 94, July 2020, 101840, pages 1-16


Working Papers

Distorted Technology Adoption

Revise and resubmit at The Economic Journal (2nd round)

The Diffusion of New General Purpose Technologies

Revise and resubmit at JPE: Macro

Innovator Heterogeneity, R&D Misallocation and the Productivity Growth Slowdown


Distortions, Producer Dynamics, and Aggregate Productivity: A General Equilibrium Analysis (with L. Brandt and D. Restuccia)


Aggregate Productivity and Equity Markets (with B. Robinson)

Draft available upon request


Work in progress

Traded Embodied Technology, Firm Dynamics, and Economic Growth (with F. Ibrahim, G. MacKenzie and S. Rachapalli)

Draft available upon request

Going for Green: Directing R&D with Clean-Dirty Interactions (with F. Ibrahim)

The Micro and Macro Productivity of Nations (with D. Nguyen and D. Restuccia)